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Peaches Performance Company Intermediate Dance Intensive

Thank you so much for your interest in our summer dance camp at Peaches Dance and Music Orlando.  This season, we felt it was a wonderful opportunity to offer our intermediate level dancers a summer dance intensive made specifically for them.  We had a growing demand for dancers who wished for a summer program that offered more than our summer camps, but was also less intensive than our Company summer intensive.  Please feel free to email us with any questions you may have.  We have outlined some information below. As we continue to solidify this program, we will continue to update this page.


Intermediate Intensive Dates:

Week 1: July 21st - July 25th, 2025 - 10:00am to 2:00pm, Monday through Friday

Week 2: July 28th - August 2nd, 2025 - 10:00am to 2:00pm, Monday through Friday

Week 1 Tuition - $350

Week 2 Tuition - $350

If a dancer registers for both weeks, the tuition will be $500


Intensive Classes

Dancers will be given classes in Ballet, Jazz, Hip-Hop and Choreography.  Each class will be one hour long, and dancers should dress appropriately with corresponding dance shoes for each class.  We will send information on dress guidelines prior to the camp for those students who are registered.  

Peaches Performance Company

Registered dancers from this camp will be given the opportunity to be evaluated throughout their week (or 2 weeks) for our new Peaches Performance Company.  Dancers who are selected for our Performance Company will have dedicated classes in Ballet and Jazz, and will also have a weekly 1 hour rehearsal to learn there performance routines for the season.   Dancers will have the opportunity to compete in the "Access Broadway" competition that our PDC attends each year.  They will also have the option to attend one of our one day conventions with the PDC.  Many local and community performance opportunities will also be offered throughout the year.  


Weekly Classes:

Our weekly class schedule has adjust from our original email.  The intent was to provide Saturday morning classes followed by a rehearsal, however, we have been able to move these to Friday afternoons. There may be a possibility that we can still provide the Saturday Morning classes to those that prefer this schedule, however, the rehearsals for the performance pieces would remain on Friday. The current schedule is outlined Below:

PC Jazz Technique - Fridays, 4:00pm to 5:00pm

PC Ballet Technique - Fridays, 5:00pm to 6:00pm

PC Rehearsal - Fridays 6:00pm to 7:00pm

Tuition Costs: The tuition rate for the weekly technique classes will be $152 per month.  Additional fees for costumes and performances will be billed separately.   A full list of additional charges related to the performance company will be available at the Summer Camp. 


Registration for the camps will be open on April 1st.  We encourage all families to continue to register for recreational classes of their choice.  If they are accepted to the program, we will transfer their registration over to the new classes. 


PPC Intensive Camp Week 1

July 21st - 25th, 2025

10:00am to 2:00pm

$350 Per Dancer


PPC Intensive Camp 2

July 28th - August 1st,2025

10:00am to 2:00pm

$350 Per Dancer


PPC 2 Intensive Camp

July 21st - August 1st,2025

10:00am to 2:00pm

$500 Per Dancer

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